Friday, March 30, 2012

Amazing Animals by Design

Amazing Animals by Design is a simple children's book that introduces kids to the idea of intelligent design. Using the unique characteristics of zoo animals, Debra Haagan, the author, brings to light the fact that just like animals, humans were made in complex and specific ways that allow us to function, and most espescially, that there is an intelligent being behind our design--God!

This is a full color picture book, 24 pages long, and available in both paperback, or as an ebook. The paperback is $8.99 and the ebook, $7.99. Both are available for purchase here.

Geared toward elementary aged or younger, I found this book to be a great starting point for discussion regarding intelligent design. Especially since many children raised in Christian homes tend to take from granted that God created everything, the benefit to having a book like this is that it causes one to stop and notice how it actually makes sense that the world was created by design (versus randomly). A child can know that God designed the world because he's been told that, but it is crucial to his growth as a Christian that he understand how that statement actually holds water in real life. To me, that would be the greatest benefit to adding a book like this to your collection.

If you like this book, feel free to check out Debra Haagan's website, blog and facebook page as well.

Please note, I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I am not obligated to give a positive review, and all opinions are mine.

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