Believe it or not, I started this blog in 2008! I've gone through periods of intense involvement here, followed by periods of quiet absence. I seen my children go from carefree, curious toddlers to big kids, all while homeschooling and learning about mothering, Christian parenting and raising children with special needs.
I've realized now that I've grown out of this blog, so I've created a new one--one that focuses on homeschooling, yes, but also on other, more broad areas of life as a Christian wife. The Hidden Beauty of Home is about homeschooling, homemaking, biblical womanhood and motherhood in general, with a little on foster care and adoption thrown in. I'll warn you, I don't look at my blog stats, and I don't care how many people read my blog (but feel free to comment and share my posts!) so don't expect perfectly timed posts on perfectly engaging topics of the perfect length. Do expect to hear real thoughts on real issues, hopefully presented in a clear and relevant way. :) So please visit me on my new blog!