Monday, January 19, 2009

Going Vertical

Here's a bright idea! How about going vertical with your play? We tried it with playdough this past week, and it was a blast! Really, you could try this activity with any activity that you normally do horizonally--writing, coloring, playdough, you name it, and then just take it vertical.

We whipped up a batch of new yellow playdough and then smooshed it into little pancakes on the sliding glass door. You could also try using a wall or the fridge; any vertical surface will do. Then we dug out the rubber stamps to make imprints and the cookie cutters to make some nice shapes. What fun, and oh, the novelty of trying an old activity in a new way! The kids really loved this, and I loved seeing how they had to use arm muscles in ways they had never had to in previous play.

Going vertical uses upper arm muscles in a unique way that horizontal play doesn't allow for. I loved seeing my kids using those muscles to make sure their pancakes stayed put on the door. Try this activity and let me know how it goes for you!

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