Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tot School

Tot School
Tot School is a time each day(or several times each day) that I spend interacting with my kids and exposing them to early learning skills. To find out more about Tot School, visit Carisa over at 1+1+1=1 (you can click the button at the top of this post to visist her page).
Little Bean is 45 months and Miss O is 31 months old.
This week in Tot School:
Little Bean played this counting game I made for him:

He also spent some time cutting, which is really fun and challenging for him:

He also made up some stories using our felt board, which is always a favorite:

And built a giant block tower:

He did this animal matching game:

Miss O spent some time doing puzzles, like this fishing game puzzle:

She also tried her hand at the animal matching game:

Since Little Bean and Miss O are so close in age, there were a number of activities that they chose to do together:
Here they are playing with magnets on our magnet board:

And here they were reading together:

This Mystery Bag puzzle was a favorite this week. You set up the puzzle tiles and then reach in a cloth bag and feel for the correct pieces. Here they are playing this game together:

Our Tinker Toys always end up becoming interesting inventions:

And here they are stringing Unifix cubes:

Digging through rice for buried treasure (Daddy made this one up!):

So that was our week. We had a great time playing and learning together this week, and we definitely kept busy. Look for our Tot School posts every week or so, and please be sure to check out Carissa's blog (as well as the other ladies who participate in Tot School) by clicking the button in my sidebar or at the top of this post.


  1. Wow, you are so creative with all these activities! Those are great learning tools for the kids...I bet they are having a ton of fun with tot school. :)

  2. I love the counting game you made. You have so many great and creative activities for your tots. I'm hoping RockerTot will get some Tinkertoys for his birthday. I think he'd enjoy them.
