Monday, April 6, 2009

I Spy Bottle--Finally

A couple months ago I started seeing the homemade I Spy bottles all over the crafting/kiddie blogosphere, and wanted to make one for Miss O and LittleBean. My problem is that I am a total perfectionist at times, and just wanted the bottle to be perfect before making it. Well, I finally decided to make it today, perfect or not, I wanted it done.

I found the water bottle at Albertsons in the section where they sell individual drinks (Sobe, Vitamin Water, etc). When I go back there I will look to see what the name of it was if anyone is interested. It's some imported water, and cost me 2 dollars! But it was worth it to me because not only was the water the best I ever tasted ;) , but the shape of the bottle was perfect for an I Spy bottle. I collected various odds and ends to insert into the bottle once it was clean and dry. Then I lined the items up on a sheet of paper and took a picture so that the kids had a guide of what things to find in the bottle. Then I mixed white and color dyed rice together and poured it in the bottle with the use of a funnel, intermittently putting in the items for spying. My last step was to glue the cap on, and then I was done! Not perfect, but quick and easy!


  1. cool bottle is it shampoo! we love our brown bear ispy bottle! they are great for car trips!

  2. its a water bottle guess i should have seen that! is it the iceland water??

  3. A shampoo bottle would've been a good idea! I didn't even think of that! As for the brand of this bottled water, I can't remember, but you very well could be right. :)

  4. I am suffering from the same I Spy bottle perfectionism; I'm going to finish mine today. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. You used a Voss water bottle just like we did! They are the BEST!
