Thursday, May 14, 2009

Britax Carseats and Trains

We recently purchased new Britax booster carseats for both kids, and they came in a really uniquely shaped box. I didn't think much of it at the time, but then we started our new theme in Moving Beyond the Page this week and it was trains, one of the suggested integration activities was to set up a train station for dramatic play. My mind went right to those carseat boxes! I asked my handy husband to make a little ticket booth for the kids, and he happily complied (gotta love him!). We did this when the kids were asleep because it did kind of take a bit of time, and we were working with an exacto knife. Below is our ticket booth, and then some pics of the kids enjoying the ticket both the following morning. I set up their kid sized chairs single file to simulate a train, and added their train conductor dress up clothing as well as a cash register (hidden inside the ticket booth of course!) for buying tickets.

Our completed ticket booth:
Miss O selling me a train ticket:
Little Bean sliding a ticket through a slot in the "counter":
Miss O "counting" her money as it drops through the slot
They ended up LOVING this, as they do all pretend activities. I'm sure this will be cluttering up our house for months to come. :)


  1. You never cease to amaze me! Can I send my kids to your house to play?

  2. Wow! I love this idea. I normally don't keep boxes, but I do still have my Britax box in the basement. My kids (almost 3 and 1) would love this! Thanks for all your great ideas.
