Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Egg Carton Nature Box

I saw this nature box idea on this blog, and knew right away that I wanted to make this for the kids. This is a project that an older child could help with, but if you have a tot around preschool age, this is probably best done by the parent and USED by the child!

To make this, I painted an empty egg carton all white (just because it would make it prettier), and then painted the individual cups the different colors of the rainbow. I added stickers and a bit of contact paper to the front to keep the stickers secure and I was finished.

The kids and I will use it on nature walks by attempting to find something in nature that belongs to every color represented in the box. I went out back and collected a few things for the sake of a visual for this post, but have yet to try it with the kids. I'm so excited to see how they will like it!