Friday, May 22, 2009

Has Anyone Used this Book??

A homeschooling friend of mine recommended this phonics based reading curriculum to me, and I'm thinking about giving it a try with Little Bean. Anyone have any experience with this book?

What curriculum did/do you use to teach your child to read?


  1. I haven't heard of the book. We use things I find online and Bob books. My son and I both LOVE the Bob Books. He will be 5 in August and he is almost finished with the second set of Bob Books.

  2. I have my oldest hated it and didn't learn anything i think. my review was its ok not the best!

    we love Brand new readers for learning to read and i have the following that i like:

    The between the lions book for parents : everything you need to know to help your child learn to read

    Reading games for young children

    a libarian suggested this to me its good too:

    Teaching kids to read for dummies

    I really think i used the Teaching kids to read for dummies more then anything!

  3. My cousin taught her 4 year old to read using this book and my cousin loved it, but it sounds like her daughter didn't love doing the reading lessons. I think it's not necessarily made to be "fun".

  4. We tried it - my kiddos HATED it! I agree with the Bob books - so much better!

  5. I've been using it with my 4yo son and he likes it - I insert some fun activites in the middle so it doesn't seem too boring. He has a very strong desire to read though too. My librarian suggested it, so I got it off paperbackswap. We also have the BOB books which he enjoys as well.

  6. Several of my homeschooling friends use the book you mentioned and have been happy with it.
    I am using Hooked on Phonics with my daughter. I liked how it is organized by vowels and that it has a sticker chart to motivate her when she finishes a lesson or a book. It is pricey if bought new, but luckily I found mine at a yardsale. I just purchased the Right Start curriculum per your suggestion. We will begin it this week. I would be very interested in hearing how it is going for you. I'm so excited to try it. Thanks!

  7. The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading is what I plan on using.

  8. I really like "Mommy Teach Me To Read" by Barbara Curtis.
