Monday, July 20, 2009


Miss O and Little Bean have been busy this summer with swimming lessons. We go four days a week for semi-private lessons at the home of a church friend, and the kids are learning a lot!

Miss O is very good at floating; she can float for minutes on end without assistance. She is also making progress in swimming to and from the side of the pool. She is still crying a little bit when her turn comes to go one on one with the teacher, but she is definitely starting to enjoy her lessons more each time we go.

Little Bean is trying very hard each lesson. He doesn't cry at all, and usually has a smile on his face when he comes up out of the water. He has always struggled with his gross motor skills, and it shows during his swim lessons. He has a very hard time remembering to use small kickers, big arms, to blow bubbles, and to keep his head down all at one time. He is also still very nervous on his back. However, he is enjoying it, and that is a big stride from the first few days in the pool! ;)

We will continue for a few more weeks before they finish up their lessons. The teacher says that they both will be "pool safe" by the end of their lessons, meaning that that can swim across the pool and find the side and get themselves up, or if they get tired, they can flip over and rest on their backs until they are ready to swim and find the side again. Exciting!

Are your little ones learning to swim this summer? How important do you think learning to swim is?


  1. C and R are learning to swim this summer too. My oldest took swimming lessons and was on the Y swim team. I am not a strong swimmer and I think it is very important to learn; I have to work on getting better myself! Our lessons are at the Y once a week so it will take a while before they are proficient swimmers but they have already improved!

  2. I think swimming skills are very important, but I live in So Cal where pool parties and beach days are at least once a week if not more in the summer. My older two are good swimmers. My youngest, now 12, even after many summers of swim lessons and working with me, is not a strong swimmer, though I would say he is pool safe. He is at Boy Scout summer camp right now and hopes to earn his swimming merit badge - it is a long shot and I am praying for him.

  3. I struggled with whether or not to send the boys to lessons this summer. I came very close but then decided to wait another year. I think Nick might have actually enjoyed it but Ben did not want lessons, when I discussed it with him. He had a bad experience last summer and still remembers it vividly. I know taking lessons this year would have made him very upset and I just didn't want to put him through it. I am hoping that by next summer he will have had some fun experiences in the water and the bad memory will have faded.
