Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tot School--Better Late Than Never

Tot School

Lately I've been really lazy with the picture taking for Tot School, and this week I am actually 3 days late in posting my Tot School post. Ah! I need to get back in the game, I guess! Not to mention that I had a bunch of posts scheduled out last week, and for some reason none of them posted. I am now having to go through and check to make sure the scheduled posts actually published each day, which pretty much defeats the purpose of scheduled posting. Anyone else having this issue with blogger of late?

We had a pretty laid back week in Tot School. Miss O turned 3 this week, so the highlight of our week was making, frosting and eating cupcakes! :)

Miss O frosting her cupcake:

She was SO into pouring and mixing:
Here she is pouring in the oil:
Bean poured the mix:
Miss O reading:
Making 'O's on the Magna Doodle:
Silly Putty:
This is a brand new "old" game I picked up for 50 cents at the thrift store. The cards hadn't even been opened, but it looked like something made in the 80's! This is a Lutheran produced family communication game. The basic idea is that the players get to choose a colored card on their turn and answer the question on the card, then move their game piece. The questions are related to building each other up as a family, opening the lines of communication, building confidence, and talking about hard or important questions. The kids both really loved this game!
Miss O made a snake sock puppet:
Finally, Miss O using the dry erase board:


  1. Happy Birthday, Miss O!!! I love how your Magna Doodle is mounted on the wall. I may "borrow" that idea sometime in the future. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I had that problem with Blogger a few weeks ago and I found out that it is a documented problem and Blogger is working on fixing it.

    Happy Birthday Miss O!

    Also, don't beat yourself up. We all get stuck in a rut sometimes. I have been bad about taking tot school photos too and I even missed a week.
