Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekly Workboxes--Including the MckLinky feature!

Here's another weekly workbox post, showcasing our boxes from one day last week. I'm going to attempt to add MckLinky to the bottom of this post, so if you are interested in posting what was in your workboxes last night, then please link up! I'd love to see what others are putting in the workboxes!
Miss O's shelf': Boxes 1 and 6 are empty because Box 1 is a read aloud, which is in Little Bean's Box 1, and Box 6 is SSR and Miss O hadn't chosen her book yet.

Box 2: Markers and paper

Box 3: ETC, working with "B":Box 4: Find bead in the rice and string them. Match the eggs:
Box 5: Hand Writing Without Tears
Box 7: Playdough, roll, cut and mold
Box 8: Wood Pieces and letter cards, she will also share Little Bean's box 7 during this time: Box 9: Sorting Rod
Little Bean's shelf:
Box 1: Read Aloud. This is a collection of Curious George stories that we are reading together:
Box 2: 100 Lessons and BOB book 8 (I think):
Box 3: Spelling tiles and matching pictures:
Box 4: Right Start Math, Recognizing 6 without counting and comparing triangles and quadalaterals:
Box 5: Letter magnets, matching lower case and capital letters:
Box 7: HWT, Wood pieces, roll a dough letters, slate and workbook:
Box 8 : Laminated work book pages: Box 9: McRuffy Science, K, the five senses:

If you want to add a link about what was in your workboxes this week, please add the web address to the exact post, not the general web address to your blog. It may also be helpful if at the end of your blog name you list the age or grade level of your children. Happy linking, and I can't wait to see some of your workboxes!


  1. Wow - so organized! I'm impressed...

  2. I just love it!! I'm so inspired to implement this, but then I remember that my daughter is still a tad young (though, I'm REALLY thinking of how I could tweak it for some fall plans that I have).

    And, I'm sure you've probably received this before, but I've left an award for you over on my blog because I definitely love your blog! :)

  3. this is a great idea! i cant wait to see everyones workboxes :)

  4. We used workboxes last year and even my 12 yo benefited. We haven't started school yet, so I don't have my set up.

  5. We're reading the same curious george book over here too, how funny. It is quite popular at our house.

  6. I will join you in this soon! When we get our set up going.

  7. I so need to get organized. I love your site and am often inspired by your creations and ideas. I have awarded you Kreativ Blogger on my site for being one of my favorite reads. Check it out at

  8. I'll join you next week when we start back up with mommy school!
