Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekly Workboxes--A Good Week


The Workbox System, created by Sue Patrick, is a organizational tool used by some homeschooling families, including myself. The Weekly Workbox post is a weekly post I do displaying some of the things my kids are learning and some of the activities I am putting into our workboxes. If you use workboxes, please feel free to use the Mcklinky at the bottom of this post to link up to the exact blog post you have written about your workbox system. I love to see what other homeschooling moms are doing and how they are utilizing the workbox system in their homes! Also, feel free to grab my weekly workbox button from my side bar to include in your weekly workbox post if you like! It will link your readers back to my blog so that if they too would like to participate or check in on other bloggers who link up to the workbox posts they can do so easily.

We had a really good week this week. Despite Little Bean recovering from both an ear infection and a nose-dive on the sidewalk while running home from Grandma's house, the kids were in good spirits, and somehow I miraculously chose things for their boxes that they really enjoyed.

This week, Miss O began her work in Get Set for the Code, the second book in the Explode the Code series. She also continued working on letter and shape formation with her Handwriting Without Tears workbook:

I saw this panda craft on Let's Explore, and since we were working on the letter P in her ETC book, I thought this to be the perfect craft project for her. I'll post more about how these turned out later:

Here, I included a muffin tin for sorting and some buttons for Miss O. I didn't really expect her to do much more than just explore the buttons, but she surprised me by spending a lot of time sorting them by color and by exact design (since a few of them have exact matches):
Miss O also did the classic fill and spill with these popscicle sticks and an empty creamer container:
And here is a stringing activity. She actually didn't work very hard on this one:
In Little Bean's boxes, we started out with Sentence School, our Grammar curriculum. We are still working on verbs, and this particular lesson was on the verbs step and skip. Miss O joins us for Sentence School each day as well:
And here we have our daily box of Handwriting Without Tears. Each school day we have a new letter or a review of letters to go over using the hands-on manipulatives that are part of the HWT curriculum. Miss O sits in on this activity as well:
Here is Little Bean's All About Spelling box. I purchased this because I'd seen some other moms using it with their Kinders, and it seemsd like something Little Bean would like. So far, I've found the lessons to be pretty long, and maybe a bit advanced for him, so we are taking it slow. He did enjoy the alphabetizing activity from this curriculum though (more about that later this week!):
This is a coloring and cutting activity. Little Bean was supposed to color the boy and then cut fringe for his hair:
100 Lessons in this box. We do this 4 times a week and things are going well so far:
Here Little Bean has his Explode the Code Book 1 and Right Start Math book. I can't remember what we did on this particular day, but we spent some time this week working on odds and evens and on counting by twos. Little Bean really enjoyed the math lessons this week:
Here is a work alone box for Bean, tangrams:
Finally, this is a nuts and bolts activity for Little Bean. It was pretty easy for him to match up the bolts with their corresponding nuts:
What did you do this week?


  1. Thank you for the workbox ideas. I hope that your son is feeling better.

  2. looks like you got some great ideas in your workboxes.

  3. Just wanted to let you know that you are doing a fabulous job with your workboxes! *Ü*

  4. Thank you for all these super ideas. I'm trying to come up with a list of things that M can choose from and do independently and a lot of these will work wonderfully!

  5. I realize you posted this nearly a year ago, but I just found your blog this week and was wondering...where did you find those awesome buttons?! I would love to have a great collection of buttons (other than the ones I occasionally find in my kids' closet! haha), but I don't know where to get such an eclectic collection.

    And P.S. Your blog is wonderful! I'm so glad I found it!
