Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weekly Workboxes

Here's a tour through our workboxes from last week:

Miss O:
Fill and spill--fill the container with puff balls, then take off the lid and spill them out!
Cutting practice with foam. This was a bit challenging for her, but she is very curious about scissors, so she enjoyed it:
Diego cling stickers set:
Foam alphabet puzzle:
Explode the Code, the letter "T":
Handwriting Without Tears, Pre K, building mat man:
Little Beans boxes:
Sentence School. This is our grammar program. We do it three times a week, and Miss O can do this with us. This particular lesson was on actions words, tip and sip:
Handwriting Without Tears K (Miss O does this with us too):
Science. This was a lesson on the five senses, focusing on the sense of hearing:
100 Lessons, BOB books, and HWT workbook practice:
Making patterns with unifix cubes:
Right Start Math, making the bead stair and talking about perpendicular:
Sorting Rod:
These are tiny foam magnets and a magnet board to use in making mosaic artwork:

If you blogged about your workboxes this week and would like to link up, please use the McLinky below being sure to link directly to your workbox post, and not to your main blog. This linky will be open until the 13th.


  1. Great workboxes! I can't decide if I should get HWOT or Draw Write Now for my daughter. I know they are completely different, but I don't know which she'd use more.

  2. I'm coming! I just have to go through and figure out which boxes I want to put up! We had some good ones last week!

    I like the puff ball box, very good idea. I'm loving the workboxes, I hope more people decide to link up, I'd really like to see what others are doing. Some days I am struggling to fill them. Be back soon!

  3. Jenny--I think HWT is more for learning to form letters and words properly and Draw Write Now is more for journaling practice. I've seen the DWN and for Little Bean it seems a little above him. He'd get too frustrated having to do so much journaling, plus his drawing isn't the best yet. I'd love to get it for him next year though! Thanks for linking up!

    Desiree--I can't wait for you to link up! I hope more people decide to join in as well. I sometimes have a hard time filling my preschooler's boxes, but my Kinder likes most anything! :)

  4. Love seeing your ideas for workboxes. My 3 yr old and I are just starting to work on some. We are in the process of moving so I don't use "workboxes" I just have a bin under my bed that I go to everyday and pick out what we are going to work on.

  5. Yay! I finally put it up! I guess I don't have as hard of a time finding things to put in them as I thought. I had a long list and I had to stop before it got too long, lol!

  6. Thanks for this website. I love seeing what everyone is doing with their workboxes. I hope this helps homeschooling families with older children. Ours are 6 and 10. I'm so excited to be doing this!
