Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekly Workboxes--Less Boxes, But Still Working Hard!


The Workbox System, created by Sue Patrick, is a organizational tool used by some homeschooling families, including myself. The Weekly Workbox post is a weekly post I do displaying some of the things my kids are learning and some of the activities I am putting into our workboxes. If you use workboxes, please feel free to use the Mcklinky at the bottom of this post to link up to the exact blog post you have written about your workbox system. I love to see what other homeschooling moms are doing and how they are utilizing the workbox system in their homes! Also, feel free to grab my weekly workbox button from my side bar to include in your weekly workbox post if you like! It will link your readers back to my blog so that if they too would like to participate or check in on other bloggers who link up to the workbox posts they can do so easily.

You'll notice the kids had less boxes this week. Little Bean had a bit of trouble with one of the main concepts in his Right Start math at the end of last week, so we spent this week reviewing this concept with a bunch of games. The games took longer than our usual math time, so I had to cut out some of their independent work in order to accomodate for the math games. I'm happy to report that the review was just what Bean needed!

This week Little Bean and Miss O worked on the letter W one day. We formed it with the wooden pieces and used the Wet-Dry-Try board as well:
Both kids worked on questions this week in grammar. Little Bean started doing a bit of copywork along with the grammar portion of our lessons:
We started a new unit on color. We've studied color before (making primary and secondary colors), but this was a good review. I was looking ahead, and we will have several days spent on color; I am really impressed with how thorough McRuffy Science, K has been so far:
Bean played with this wooden dress up game. You stick little squares of fabric in between the two boards and it makes a little dress for the doll. I got this (complete set) at the thrift store for $1.08!
Little Bean is doing great with his reading lessons. It's not his favorite, but he does fine with it:
Here is our Right Start games. I made up a bunch of games just to review the dot cards, which he was struggling with. We spent a good portion of our school days this week just playing math games:
Here's Miss O's handwriting and (underneath) is her Explode the Code reading book B. She loves these:
This is a spooning activity with popcorn kernels. Miss O is really good at this, and it keeps her attention for a while too!
This workbox is a tonging activity with puff balls. The creamer bottle has puff balls in it, and the tongs were from our play doctor kit!
This is a file folder game from seasons File Folder Fun. Miss O didn't really get this, maybe because we don't really have seasons here in Southern California:
Lastly, Miss O had this felt board book. It opens and has colorful scenes on each page. The back of the book has a pocket where you can store the felt pieces. This was also a thrift store find, but I can't remember what I paid because we've had it for quite a while!
I can't say enough about the workboxes! Both kids have really benefitted from them. Do you use them too? Link up with the MckLinky below!


  1. All of these are so great! We do the same thing with pom poms, tweezers, and an ice cube tray (we even keep our pom poms in an old coffee creamer container like yours). Love the felt board book!

  2. As always love your boxes! It's always important to take a moment when a child needs it, that's one of the beauties of homeschooling, yay for reviews! I always have to remind myself it's not about quantity, but quality in homeschool. I don't feel so bad when we don't get through everything some days or even weeks when I remind myself of that.

  3. Wow! What awesome activities! Where do you get your ideas? My son (3 1/2) has a very little attention span but loves hands on things. Some of your activities look just like something he would love!

  4. Lori--I pull from my memory of things I've seen on other blogs for my ideas. Or, I just look in my school supply closet and try to think up some ideas I know they will like. I don't have a fancy way of doing things, and you'll notice that my ideas do repeat themselves often if it's things my kids like a lot!
