Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekly Workboxes--Moving Right Along


The Workbox System, created by Sue Patrick, is a organizational tool used by some homeschooling families, including myself. The Weekly Workbox post is a weekly post I do displaying some of the things my kids are learning and some of the activities I am putting into our workboxes. If you use workboxes, please feel free to use the Mcklinky at the bottom of this post to link up to the exact blog post you have written about your workbox system. I love to see what other homeschooling moms are doing and how they are utilizing the workbox system in their homes! Also, feel free to grab my weekly workbox button from my side bar to include in your weekly workbox post if you like! It will link your readers back to my blog so that if they too would like to participate or check in on other bloggers who link up to the workbox posts they can do so easily.

This week, my 4 year old Kinder worked with our Handwriting Without Tears wood pieces:

He also continued working on his reading, using 100 Lessons. We are close to lesson 40 now:
He use Explode the Code Book 1 to reinforce some of the things he is learning in his reading lessons:
He worked on strengthening his finger muscles by spending some time playing playdough:
And here is his math work. We worked some more on odds and evens, and recognizing units of tens up to 100:
This is a reading game I printed from File Folder Fun on word families:
We continued working on segmenting words, vowels and consonants in our spelling curriculum:
And Bean did some lacing, which he really seemed to enjoy:
Miss O worked on practicing her handwriting with her HWT Pre-K workbook, and also learned the letter "j" in her Explode the Code, Book B:
Here is a pouring activity using Perler beads (those little plastic beads you use to make iron on designs):
And this was a review of the letters Miss O studied in ETC Book A. I put a few pictures to match each letter and Miss O had to match them up:
Miss O practiced sorting and stacking with this peg board:
And she did this color matching worksheet:
Her last box is a tonging and sorting activity with pony beads:
Are you using workboxes as well? Link up with the McLinky below:


  1. Did bean draw those figures without pre-existing lines (in explode the code)?? If so, that is AMAZING!

  2. I love to see what you are doing with the workboxes. I haven't started using them yet, but I will link up as soon as we do.

  3. N--No, Bean didn't draw that...that's just the picture on the front cover of his workbook! :)

  4. Great activities (again!)! I always get a lot of inspiration from your posts. M is 3 and we are doing a few preschool type things. I just started setting up some activity shelves for him this week and included some workbox-type activities. I link up to another mclinky, but I think I'd like to link up here too... is that OK??? :)

  5. Nicole--That is definitely okay! Link away!
