Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly Workboxes

Here is our workbox post!

Little Bean and Miss O both participated in this science lesson on measuring with a non-standard unit.
Little Bean practiced his grammar and handwriting with our Sentence School curriculum:
We have finished all the numbers and capital letters in Handwriting Without Tears. So we are doing some review for the next week or so. Here Little Bean was practicing his numbers.
This was a rocket craft. I'll post more about this later.
Our reading curriculum--Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons:
And math. This week we worked more on addition and some on place value.
Here is a work alone box for Bean. He was to match upper and lower case letters using these printable from 1+1+1=1.
Here are Miss O's preschool boxes.
First, she did these 3 part puzzles. She did really great at these this time, and finished about 20 of the 26 puzzles!
She had some free play with these magnetic play scenes. We purchased this at Walmart probably about a year ago.
Here is her work with mom box. We are working on numbers in the handwriting book, and the letter G in Go for the Code.
Miss O did the rocket craft as well.
And here is that Woodkin's Dress Up doll I posted about earlier this week.
Lastly, Miss O spent some time playing with the dry erase board. She loves this toy!

I'd love to hear what you've been up to this week! Link up with the McLinky below!

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