Monday, November 16, 2009

You May Have Noticed...

Some of my regular readers may have noticed that I haven't been posting as often lately! I've been a little busy designing a new layout for a blogging friend, which in turn has prompted me to redesign my own layout, so that's been taking up a lot of my free time lately! While I still try to post regularly, I'm excited about the layout projects I've been working on, and can't wait to finish working on them and get them up and running.

In the mean time, I'd like to hear from you: What are some of the things you like and don't like when you go to a new homeschooling/craft blog? What features do you really appreciate? What are those things that kind of bug you or that you wish a blog would include?

I'd love to hear what YOU like from a homeschooling/craft blog (both in content and layout)!


  1. I like clean uncluttered blog layouts, very much like the one you have. You have a lot of information but it is easy to read. I really dislike the blogs that are black. I find them very hard to read, or that have the type on top of a color with the type being a color that clearly does not make it readable. Also some sites have so much decortion on them that it will actually cover some of the type also. I also like your content. I like the workbox review. I do wish you would add a little more specific information on your daily lessons especially with your little one, but that is just me because I have a little grandson just about her age. I know change can be good (I liked the last one you did), but don't change too much. Thanks for asking.

  2. Look at you! You are super blogging woman now! The design and layout look amazing, and I'm so impressed with how sophisticated you've gotten with your widgets and things. :) It's realy awesome!

  3. I LOVE the new blog look!! I really wish I could do something different with mine. Yours is just awesome.

    What do I like... I like it when I can easily access information (like a label list or something). I REALLY like those boxes (you already have them) that are at the end of the post, where it leads you to other similar posts. I OFTEN follow those to find new stories that I might have missed before.

    What I don't like... Hmmm... I need pictures. I need pictures and clear descriptions (OR, links to the original description).

    You're doing a great job and I always love to check your blog!!


  4. Your blog looks great! I tried to send you an email but it kept saying I was typing the code in wrong (I wasn't??). Where did you find this templete, or did you design it yourself?? What program do you use? I have publisher but it doesn't have anything this nice. I used cutestblog on the block for my test blog and I like it okay. I'm at homeschoolblogger right now but I'm thinking of moving to blogspot. It's certainly easier to use...we'll see.
