Friday, March 12, 2010

What I'm Reading--free!

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who had some pretty amazing ideas about home education/how children learn. I am a follower of a few blogging moms who follow Charlotte Mason ideas in their homeschools, and have become interested in learning more about her thoughts on education. SO, I'm reading this. It's Ms. Mason's complete works translated into modern English for those of us who have a hard time wading through the older victorian style of writing she used. And best of all, her works are in the public domain, so it's free!


  1. I'm intrigued by Charlotte Mason. Will have to check this out!

  2. I lost my first comment. I apologize if somehow this posts twice.

    Was saying that I think it's best to read CM herself if you want to know about CM. It's the most obvious choice (I think), but many prefer to read her works digested by someone else. Good for you in going to the source.
