Monday, April 18, 2011

We Went to a Bone Museum


Or to put it more formally--Museum of Osteology. Right now we are in the midst of reviewing a science curriculum called Considering God's Creation. We started with the unit on the human body because I have a lot of my own stuff already, and the kids have some past experience with the topic from last year's Human Body Lapbook. So far we've started learning many of the scientific names for bones, and have put together a 3 foot high skeleton. The kids have really been enjoying this curriculum, and I think I will continue it on for 2nd grade next year. More on that later this month or next when the review is due!


This post is about our trip to the bone museum, which is quite local to us, and was a great place to go because of the fact that we are currently studying the human body and more specifically, the skeleton. We also had a 50 percent off coupon, so we ended up all four of us going for only $10 dollars!


The museum itself was very well done. There were all kinds of skeletons, both human and animal. They had human skeletons of people who had bound feet and bound heads (both past cultural traditions which affected the structure and growth of the bone). There was a whale skeleton, a giraffe, a rhino, hippo, African elephant, snakes, lizards, toads, dogs, all kinds of wild life. Really any kind of animal you can think of. They also had an exhibit that explained how they clean the bones and get them to be so white (Did you know that they use live beetles to clean the bones before using Hydrogen Peroxide? ...ew!). ;)



The kids had a good time, and it was fun and educational for all of us! I don't think we'll return any time soon--it's not the biggest museum and we were there for quite a while--but it was a great Saturday outing!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! I wish there was a bone museum here! SO COOL!!
