Friday, May 20, 2011

Spelling Help


Several months back I had the privelege of reviewing Talking Fingers Read, Write, Type program, which Little Bean completed, and which Miss O is in the process now of completing. Talking Finger's offers another program called Wordy Qwerty, which is primarily a spelling program. Recently I was given the chance to review Wordy Qwerty as well, and Little Bean really enjoys it.


Wordy Qwerty is a computer program that is played online. There is the option to buy a CD Rom version, which may be advisable for those with slow internet speeds. The online home version is $35 and that is for a 5 year subscription.


Wordy Qwerty takes the player through several different activities for different spelling rules, such as the silent e, when to use /wh/ and when to use /w/, etc. The child plays the games as well as learns jingles related to the rule. The program is geared toward 7 to 9 year olds, or those who have completed Read, Write, Type.

Little Bean really liked this program, and in fact he asked to play it all the time in the beginning. The thing I didn't like about it was that there didn't seem to be enough correcting going on. I noticed quite a few times that he would spell things wrong and would still move on to the next level. And while it was fun and educational for him, I'm not sure he actually learned any new spelling rules from it. That being said, we already do a formal spelling curriculum at home, and he is on the third level of that already. So because of that, much of this program was a review for him. This would be nice for a child who likes computers, but I'm not sure it would suffice as a sole spelling curriculum, at least not for Little Bean. See what my crewmates are saying by clicking the banner.


Please note: I received this product free of charge in exchange for my honest review.

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