Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Good Toy for Hot Summer Days

I remember playing with these Perler Beads when I was a kid. It's been 110 plus outside here, so this craft has been a good time spender.

We went from this:
To this:
To this (plus plenty more where this came from! These two are Miss O's creations):
We are thinking about making enough to decorate our Christmas tree this year. :)

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  1. Those are adorable!! My guys have gotten into those this summer, too. And have them color sorted! Haha! They have a shirt/jersey form and have been making all the different baseball teams. It keeps them busy!

  2. I love these things! We had a Perler Bead party this past fall. It was a blast. I am planning on getting a kit for Christmas kits and I have been keeping my eyes open because the character kits have been going on clearance at our Wal-mart. I think they will make nice Christmas gifts! :)

  3. Oh how I love these things and so do my kids!
