Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Curriculum

A few weeks back I was lamenting the fact that I just didn't have enough time to school the kiddos. After that post, I took stock of just how far we really are in this year's curriculum, and I realized, if we stay on track, we should finish up K and 2nd before Easter! I know, I still can't believe it myself. Course, this has led me on a hunt for what we will be doing next year. And now living in a state where homeschooling is much more popular, I can just swing by our local Mardel and actually get my hands on the curriculum I'm looking at for next year!

Much of it is staying the same, but there are some changes. Plus, this list isn't's just what I've been interested in lately as I started doing research about what to use.

Miss O, 1st grade (can you believe it?! She will be 6 this summer though.):

Math: We are finishing up Math U See Primer, and neither of us love it. She really didn't like Right Start much either, but I'm thinking of putting her back in Right Start A (technically a Kindergarten level) for 1st grade. She has been asking to do it, but I'd like to finish up Primer first.

Language Arts: This year I want to go with something a little more cohesive, that brings all the elements of Language Arts together into one curriculum. I'm looking at Learning Language Arts through Literature, and for Miss O, I'd use The Red Book, which is geared toward 2nd grade. Miss O is reading really well, and since this is a literature-based approach, I felt better putting her in the grade level she is reading at rather than the grade level she is "officially" in. This will be our core curriculum, but I'm supplementing with the following:

Little Bean, Grade 3:

Supplimenting With:


The kids will do several of the subjects together:

History: Story of the World Volume 2. We will continue using the activity guides and tests, as well as adding in a timeline of events. I would like to add in some notebooking later in the year, especially for Miss O, who thus far has not picked up much history.

Geography: I'd really like to incorporate some geography into our studies this year. I don't know if I will do a separate curriculum or something independent for them to complete or work it in naturally (not my strong suit).

Science: Science didn't happen as often as I'd like this year, so I'm taking the plunge and getting Real Science Odyssey. I haven't decided whether I'd like Earth and Space or Life yet. I'm thinking Life since the weather will be right to do outdoor experiments (like finding actual living plants and animals!). I plan to purchase the corresponding materials kits because knowing me, science won't happen if I have to go searching around the house for materials each time.

Latin: Sigh. I'm undecided. The kids love using Song School Latin, and I am thoroughly impressed with it. But Primer A, the next level, is significantly more expensive and I don't know if I can justify the cost. If I do, I'll repeat Song School with Miss O, using the activities in the back of the teacher's guide instead of purchasing a new workbook and start Little Bean on Primer A.

Bible: We are loving Kid's Quest Catechism Club, and have enough to keep us going at least partway through next year. After that, we will go to the upper elementary level, and learn the reformed catechism in its' entirety.

Art: I don't plan to purchase another curriculum because we have plenty to do in Artistic Pursuits Book 1 still. I do want to get an art calendar so we can start learning about the different styles of art and artists of the past.

So that's my plan! When we move, I'd like to get back to the workbox system too. All that being said, I'm due in April, so we will probably have "summer" break then and start up the new school year when things have gotten less hectic, probably in the beginning of the real summer!

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