Thursday, January 31, 2013

Long time, no blog!

The truth is, once I had our Little Bird, my life basically got turned upside down. She is 10 months old today, and I'm just starting to feel like life is normal again. I don't really even know if people are still visiting my blog. I know once I had Little Bird, my online time drastically decreased. In case any of you all are still around, here's what's been going on around here:

 Little Bird was on her apnea monitor for about 3 months. They never really said what caused her ALTE, but the more I reflect on it, the more I'm convinced that she was choking on mucous and couldn't clear it and so stopped breathing for a bit. She is a very healthy 15 pound crawler now. :)

 Our little foster daughter Mimi (18 months) is VERY close to being our forever daughter. I don't wanna be overly optimistic, but I'd say another month and she'll be officially ours. At that point I look forward to sharing her story and her name (we got to rename her) with my readers!

 We are still homeschooling! Did you really think we'd ever change that?! ;) We are using My Father's World and we are enjoying that. I did recently change Little Bean (age 7) to Teaching Textbooks. He tested into the 4th grade program, but rest assured he is NOT a 7 year old fourth grader all around. He excels in some areas and he needs alot of improvement in others. Miss O (6) is the same way. She is reading at a 3rd grade level in the Amish Pathway readers, but is "behind" in math. We just switched her to Christian Light Education for math and are repeating 1st grade math (she is nearly done with Right Start's 1st grade book).

 We have four kids, and for someone like me, that's large. So it's been quite an adjustment! Hence, the lack of blogging. Actually, this past 10 months has been a lack of much of anything for us. We pulled the kids out of boy scouts and American Heritage Girls and 4-H. We made it to family reunion and down to Tulsa for holidays, but it's hard. I love my family though, and YES I want more children. Now, whether that's through natural means or adoption or both, who knows! Once Mimi is adopted, we plan to be respite providers for the foster kids in our agency for a while, then eventually switch to emergency foster care, and then probably back to regular foster care. And now that things are calming down, I am considering a homeschool co-op for next fall.

One thing the Lord's been speaking to me personally about is biblical womanhood. I started thinking about what a godly woman should look and act like. I think it may be somewhat different for everyone. But I'm learning that God has given us women some wonderful guidelines in his word about this subject as well as biblical women to look up to and emulate. And I have been feeling blessed as my eyes are opened and my heart is changing when it comes to this subject. More to come about that.

I'll leave you all with that! I hope someone reads this, lol! I know I've missed interacting with my readers since I left so long ago!
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  1. So excited to see you back!!! I was looking for a review on your blog the other day and wondered how things were going for your family. So happy to hear that all is well! Welcome back!

  2. Yea!! So glad you are all well. Keep us updated on Mimi!

  3. really interested in what you are learning about biblical womanhood! and about adoption and fostering and just about everything that you are up to friend!
