Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Miss O is Moving On!

To Book B, that is! Yup, we've finished Get Ready for the Code, and are moving on to Get Set for the Code, Book B in the Explode the Code series. Book A covers six letters, B, F, T, M, R, and K. Miss O already knew S and O, so I made up this little work sheet which we used twice this week, and Miss O did wonderful remembering the letter sounds, and sometimes the letter names. The names aren't important to me, since it's recognizing the sound of the letter and being able to recognize the letter in print that are the building blocks for reading. Even Little Bean, who can read simple books, doesn't always automatically say the name of a letter when he sees it; he often says the sound first.

Here is the book Miss O just finished (minus the handwriting portions of course):
And here is one activity she did where I hid letters in popcorn kernels and she had to find the letters and match them with the corresponding letter on the page:
Using the same worksheet later in the week, I had Miss O find the corresponding letter stamp and stamp it on the page in the appropriate spot. She loves stamping, so I take advantage of it a lot even though it is messy!
I guess it's on to Book B for us!


  1. That is great! We just started using book A and my son enjoys it!

  2. If you go to this website the Popcorn book is there as an animated book along with others from Frank Asch.
    Go to:
