Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekly Workboxes


The Workbox System, created by Sue Patrick, is a organizational tool used by some homeschooling families, including myself. The Weekly Workbox post is a weekly post I do displaying some of the things my kids are learning and some of the activities I am putting into our workboxes. If you use workboxes, please feel free to use the Mcklinky at the bottom of this post to link up to the exact blog post you have written about your workbox system. I love to see what other homeschooling moms are doing and how they are utilizing the workbox system in their homes! Also, feel free to grab my new weekly workbox button from my side bar to include in your weekly workbox post if you like! It will link your readers back to my blog so that if they too would like to participate or check in on other bloggers who link up to the workbox posts they can do so easily.

This was our sixth week of school for the kiddos, and we had a great time. I find that they are constantly growing and their needs are constantly changing. Even so, the workbox system is flexible enough to adapt to their changing needs.

This week, Miss O:

Searched for letter tiles in popcorn kernels and then matched them up to the correct letter pairs on this paper:
and colored a picture:
She explored with these circus magnets to create fun circus scenes:
And she worked on the letter "R" in her Explode the Code book, as well as writing H and drawing retangles in her Handwriting workbook. Miss O also joined Little Bean in Science, Handwriting Without Tears work and Sentence School (our grammar curriculum).
Little Bean:
Continued his work with action words using Sentence School:
Worked on his letter formation using Handwriting Without Tears wood pieces, slate, playdough, and magnadoodle:
Little Bean was introduced to a new Science unit on weather:
And continued working on his reading using 100 Lessons and BOB Books for practice. We've moved on to the second set of BOB Books, as he's read through the first set several times and is tired of them.
Little Bean learned that a square is a rectangle and a quadralateral and sorted squares by size:
He practiced letter formation on his own with the HWT magnadoodle and these letter cards:
And found the corresponding lowercase stamp and stamp it next to the matching uppercase letter:
And lastly, Little Bean completed this 25 piece puzzle:


  1. I love how the workbox method keeps everything so organized and it's easy to see which areas need a little more work. This is a great description of your boxes. I love the idea of this method and the more I read about it the more I love it. Have to keep it in mind for the future! Thanks for sharing!

  2. We had a rough week last week, but I wanted to contribute something. Hopefully (actually we will) I will have more next time. Love your fun boxes!

  3. Hey, I just started reading your blog, pieces by pieces. Found this Weekly Workbox System. What is is exactly? Are you doing these exercise daily? Why boxes? Just curious.
    Well, thanks for sharing. It's rally interesting.
