A couple of months ago I saw a post over at
1+1+1=1. She was talking about how she had gone to Jo-Anns and bought these containers and she sorted out her kid's Lego collection. I was amazed by her organization skills, really--and after thinking it over for a while, I went for it. It took a few hours, but the Legos are so much more organized now and easy for the kids to find what they want and build. :)
How do you deal with the Lego mess?

We use similar divided containers to "contain" our mess. I posted about our Lego play a few weeks ago. If you're interested, Lego: Our Favorite Learning Toy. The containers look smaller in the photo than they actually are. We also have a divided container of K'nex.
I know I can find pieces much easier this way.
We have waaaay too many Legos! We'd have to purchase quite a few of those cases! Actually, my son is in charge of sorting his own Legos. Right now he's using several plastic project cases and oatmeal containers.
We sort by color! I've been meaning to post about it. Works great for my son.
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