Another workbox post!
Here are Bean's boxes:
100 Lessons, we are on 68 now:

Right Start Math--we have been working on money A LOT! He is really enjoying this, and getting it too.

Explode the Code--still working on three letter decodable words. He does 2 pages a day in a work alone box:

This was a simple craft I made up for both kid's boxes. I drew some simple shapes on a piece of paper and then taped different materials to the back which would leave a textured look when colored over. The kids colored each shape in a different color, and then Bean cut his out:

Handwriting Without Tears: We've started lowercase letters, and this week we did c, a, d, and g:

Here's our All About Spelling. Bean sometimes does his spelling from dictation on the whiteboard:

And, Draw Write Now. He doesn't draw that well, but this is good for copywork and the drawing element is fun for him:


And here are Miss O's boxes:
Hi Ho Cherrio--she plays this by herself by spinning the spinner and following the directions:

Making silly faces with Colorforms:

Here is her work with mom box--Kumon Uppercase letters, and Go for the Code, in which we were working on "z":

Then we worked on counting foam shapes and matching them to the numeral:

Here are some simple 2 part puzzles. Miss O really didn't like these. I think I may be getting rid of them because she doesn't like them and Bean is too old for these. We have had them for a while and they have never been a favorite, unfortunately:

Here's that project I was talking about that was in Bean's box

And that's it! If you have a post on workboxes from this week, link up!
I am curious about the scissors you use. Is this a special kind of scissors for children? Where did you get it?
Love the updates.
Hi Jackie, I tried to email you, but don't have a way to contact you, so hopefully you'll come back and read this. The scissors were from my mom, so I'm not sure where she got them, but they are made for left handers, which both O and Bean are (as am I)! I really don't know what the extra holes are for, lol because they didn't come with instructions, and we just use the two inner holes for our fingers!
Thanks for the answer.
I miss your weekly workbox posts!! I always loved your ideas. I am changing up my blogging style and will be posting workboxes myself...I'd love to link up to your page :)
KJ, I just wasn't getting enough response from them to continue. They were really more for other people's benefit and took a while to post each week, so I finally stopped posting them. Doing the Mcklinky was too much work for me, lol. I'm still using workboxes though, and would love to link up to your blog sometime if you start doing a workbox mcklinky! :)
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