I came across
this website the other day where you can download free grammar and writing (mechanics) handbooks for grades 1 through 6! The handbooks are put out by Scott Foresman, which is a big name publisher in the school systems, I believe. We have not done really any formal grammar, and minimal formal writing (because Little Bean hates to write), but I am wanting to start him on both of these next year for 2nd. I went ahead and started printing out the grade 1 text. It looks like a pretty gentle approach, and I believe most of the stuff he has picked up naturally through the writing experiences he has had, so this will just be a way to learn some formal grammar and have some more writing practice.
The grade 1 text has 6 units, and includes formal instruction in verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, punctuation, making sentences interesting and using complete sentences. The pages are mostly black and white with a few pictures and a blue border. I printed mine in grayscale to save ink!

We used the free Scott Foresman Grammar for grade 1 all last year to go with our lessons in First Language Lessons. It really helped reinforce the concepts we were doing in FLL. I really fell like Scott Foresman can stand on its on as well. I just recommend printing it in gray scale to save money on all that light blue ink. lol!
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